March 16, 2020

There’s no question that sleep is a vital part of life. It plays a key role in enabling the body to repair itself in order to take on another day. Not only is it good for your body, but sleep does wonders for your mind. While the average adult should get 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night, how do you know if you are truly getting enough rest?

Besides the obvious feeling of drowsiness, here are some tell-tale signs that you are NOT getting enough sleep:

  • Poor Skin – if you are not getting enough zzz’s, your skin can suffer and you may experience breakouts. Studies have shown that there is a link between sleep and acne due to the way it controls our hormones
  • Puffy Eyes – another way to determine a lack of sleep is by looking at one’s eyes. They’ll appear red and puffy with dark circles or bags underneath. This is a key indicator that you are tired. Your eyes appear strained because your body is missing out on key hormone control and tissue repair that will only happen in deep sleep stages
  • Weight Gain – ghrelin and leptin are important hormones that regulate hunger. Without them, you tend to feel the urge to eat more. Sleep plays a role in properly producing those hormones to keep your body in check
  • Increased Cravings– a sleep-deprived brain is more likely to crave unhealthy foods, especially at night, due to an impairment in decision making abilities
  • Groggy Mood – when we don’t get enough sleep, it shows. We are way more irritable and hostile towards others, as well as stressed and angry. Depression is also linked to poor sleep, which is why it’s so important to get those full 7+ hours
  • Impaired Focus – just like it affects your mood, deprived sleep also has an effect on our concentration and memory
  • Diminished Health – waking up with a sore throat, dry mouth, or headache could provide proof that you are sleeping poorly

So, if you’re not getting enough sleep, what can you do to fix that? Good sleep is imperative to restoring the body and mind so take some time to assess how you are sleeping. Here are some things you can do to achieve a better night’s rest:

  • Stick to a consistent schedule by going to sleep and waking up at the same time each day
  • Keep your room quiet, cool, and dark
  • Exercise and meditate regularly to get your heart pumping and blood flowing
  • Prior to bed, destress and begin to unwind
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Caffeinated beverages, or alcohol, can actually hinder sleep, with the potential to lead to insomnia or anxiety disorders
  • Reduce irregular or long daytime naps


You can also check out our previous blog on how to achieve the ultimate slumber. Sweet dreams!

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