March 30, 2021

How to Sleep Comfortably

Sleeping problems have been an issue for thousands upon thousands of people... With everything going on in the world right now, sleeping has become more difficult for many! Some research suggests that people who have no proper sleeping schedule are more prone to not having a strong immune system to fight back any disease. If this doesn't tell you to pay more attention to your sleeping schedule, then we don't know what will!

It is easy to admit that the past year has changed so much about everyone's life. There has been more disruption at work, schools have been closed down, and this new home life can be surging your stress, anxiety, and in some cases, causing depression.

Sleep is a condemning matter to our physical health and the effectuality of our immune system that is essential especially these days. Dashing off proper sleep has an impact on your focus, energy, and ability to properly be in action throughout the whole day... Especially when you need to be active when working from home or being a teacher at home to your kids! The absence of proper sleep needed by the body also holds the possibility to make oneself moody and irritable.

Here are things that may be having an impact on your sleeping schedule:

Not having a routine

More people have been staying inside their homes... They haven't stuck to a healthy schedule of waking up early and setting a relevant schedule for the whole day. Staying at home and feeling stuck may bring down cues for wakefulness and sleep, which are commonly known as zeitgebers. Zeitgebers are critical to our circadian rhythm - (the internal process that helps us properly regulate our sleep-wake cycle).

Oversleeping, on the other hand, has a negative effect on our bodies. Sleeping for more than eight hours every night can make waking up more difficult. It can also make you feel groggy, unfocused, and irritable throughout the day. Trust us when we say we LOVE our sleep! However, as we just mentioned, oversleeping can cause many issues - so as much as you may want to stay in bed, it's important to find the motivation to get on with your day! 

Anxiety, worrying, and stress

Life is full of many surprises and sometimes, this can make people overthink. We've all been there... Whether you're worrying or stressing out about work, school, or relationships, life can be hard! Whatever the source, as your body releases more cortisol, it will leave your body agitated, your thoughts racing, and lead to fragmented sleep and insomnia. It's important to look at the positives in every situation and keep on moving! When you feel stressed, anxious, or are constantly worrying, this can also have an impact on the people around you. Always try to remain positive! 

Staying isolated

Unfortunately, there was a time where people had to isolate themselves from their friends and some family members. Understandably, this could be extremely difficult to handle. This feeling can trigger sleeping problems as missing someone and staying isolated can be lonely, and overall, boring. Isolation at home can intensify sadness and depression, and these have been shown to cause severe problems with sleep.

Spending too much time on phones and computers

We're big lovers of cuddling up on the couch watching Netflix... In moderation, of course! Spending too much time in front of screens can have a negative effect on your health and sleeping schedule. The blue light released by your smartphone, monitor, or television during the night affects your body's output of melatonin - a hormone that helps control the sleep-wake cycle. Excessive screen time, particularly late at night, has been proven to have a negative effect on sleep, too. It activates your brain in ways that make it difficult to relax. We always suggest putting your phone far away from your bed, so you're not tempted to scroll on social media or watch YouTube videos. Plus, if you have an alarm and your phone is across the room, you won't be able to hit snooze and you'll be forced to get up and start your day!

napping on a couch

How to Get a Better Sleep

Despite these challenges that can have an effect on your sleep, there are so many ways to cope up and bring us a more relaxing sleep. It may take a little time to get your sleep schedule under control, and you may need to modify these tips to suit your own situation, but here are our top tips on how to get better sleep! 

Come up with a schedule and daily routine

In the past year, all of us have undergone significant shifts in our everyday and nightly schedules. Many of us have had to work from home and when you work from home, it can be hard to differentiate between work and leisure time. If you were furloughed or laid off, you might have lost the normal rhythm of your day and started sleeping and waking up at various hours.

Developing a schedule will help you maintain a sense of normalcy - even through difficult periods. Since it is better for your mind and body to adjust to a stable sleep routine, try your hardest to find what works for you. Some people don't enjoy waking up super early and that's okay. Find what's best for you and everything will slowly fall into place.

Rework your daytime habits

Nature is a beautiful thing and fresh air can do wonders for your health. Spending more time outdoors in natural light has such a good influence on circadian activity. Clean, cool, fresh air feels also just incredible to breathe in!

It's tempting to try to make up for a bad night's sleep by napping during the day if you're off work and at home all day. However, napping for too long or too late in the day can exacerbate your sleep issues. Cap naps in the early afternoon to no more than 20 minutes. (We know this may be difficult - we can totally relate!)

With everything going on in the world, it's tempting to ignore exercise... However, it's important to remember that exercising has many valuable effects - one of which being improved sleep. Excessive behavior right before bedtime may have a negative impact on sleep. So, try to come up with an active daily routine. You can go on a nice walk or just workout at home! It'll benefit your health and your sleep!

Keep your bed reserved for sleep

This implies that working remotely should not be synonymous with working from bed. That also includes not taking a laptop into bed to watch a film or series. By using your electronics in bed, you'll end up getting yourself in a routine of associating your bed with staying awake scrolling online. Try to separate those activities from your bed and you'll be much less tempted at night!

Changing your covers, fluffing your pillows, and arranging your bed on a regular basis will keep your bed smelling new, and provide you with a cozy and inviting environment to sleep in. If you've been thinking of upgrading your bedroom with a new mattress, covers, or other sleep accessories, now may be the moment.

Visit for cozy bed products that you deserve! (Thank us later!)

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